03 June 2010
I Can't Hear You!
11 May 2010
Father Can You Hear Me?
What happens when the encourager needs to be encouraged. What happens when all that has been shared from a personal place in wisdom, compassion, love and patience is not enough for the one whose sole purpose is to encourage others?
God, I've nothing left to give. Like the heroin addict who wanted to quit, but didn't have the strength to in this video (the woman who entered the church a la "The Color Purple" towards the end of the scene), I'm here...just as I am, in need of the blood of the Lamb.
But my heart and soul don't say YES. This transition makes me feel like I'm being pulled in a million different directions, and none of them have happy endings. On one hand, I feel like driving my truck into a tree (don't judge me...I deal with unreasonable thoughts just like you...I just give them to God when they become overwhelming...I know a permanent solution to a temporary problem is not the way to go). On the other hand, I feel like telling you, God, to remove the anchor that keeps me from losing my mind. Maybe medication and an insane asylum can help me better than You can.
Father, can You hear me? You have helped me keep my mind so many times when I wanted to lose it, but it's obvious I need more than that. I need more than a "Yes, Lord," and a praise to accompany it. That's just not working for me right now.
What happens when all You have taught me to lean on when I feel like this just doesn't work? What happens when I'm too scared to take the next step, but too trapped NOT to? What happens when I feel like I'm being attacked and FAILING from the north, south, east and west?
Certainly not a pity party. Certainly not complaining. Certainly not taking my frustrations out on my loved ones. I tried that, too...and it didn't work. Certainly not suicide...I'm not about to go through all this crap down here and not make good on my reservation up there with You.
What happens when I can't trust myself, my husband or anyone else?
I guess I'll just do the only thing that has never steered me wrong. I guess I'll continue to trust You.
I know You can hear me. You've never let me down in the past. Please, God. I'm following You and Your Words...don't let me down.
01 April 2010
Take Off The Mask!
"It's like we get better at playing a role, but we don't really get BETTER." ~ Simon Flake
Here's the thing: I really am happy and full of joy. I really am a sweet person. But if I have a difficult day, it's just that. I shouldn't make myself play a role just to fit within someone else's preconceived notions about me.
The only standard I'm trying to fit into is the standard of Christ. Please don't misread this: I'm not trying to fit into a standard of denomination or one particular church body. I just want to be like Christ. PERIOD.
Galatians 6:15 (the Message Version) says, "Because of [the] Cross, I have been crucified in relation to the world, set free from the stifling atmosphere of pleasing others and fitting into the little patterns that they dictate."
This scripture effectively removed from my face the masks that were stifling me; the masks I was lost in because I couldn't remember which "me" I was supposed to be within the various settings and circumstances I found myself in. I had to be a certain "me" with mama and family, another "me" at work, and yet another "me" with my husband and sons. The beat goes on, but I'm marching to the one of the only Drummer Who knows me better than I know myself.
I am no longer lost in a masquerade, accepting Oscar after Oscar for perfecting the roles and labels I was given since the day of my birth. All that has now been removed, and I'm free to just be...
07 March 2010
"'One of the greatest moments in anybody's developing experience is when he no longer tries to hide from himself but determines to get acquainted with himself as he really is.' ~ Norman Vincent Peale"
Why are you hiding from yourself? Who you REALLY are, the greatness and vast beauty that dwells within you? Is it the bills? The heartbreak you suffered years ago? It really doesn't matter what your past failures or foibles were...unless you allow them to dictate, define and determine your future!
As long as there is still breath in your lungs, you have a chance to fulfill the awesome purpose you were created for! The universe awaits your introduction, but you must believe that greatness is within you in order to make an impact, no matter how small or large.
Today, I want to challenge all of you to pursue getting to know yourself in a deep, intimate way. If you have wild dreams, keep them up in the clouds, then, like Thoreau said, build the foundations underneath them to bring them into reality. I once heard a song say that "nothing comes from dreamers but dreams." Well, I beg to differ. Dreamers bring liberty, compassion, music, humor and love to the table...as long as they know who they are and don't get lost in the vicious cycle of doubt.
Are YOU a dreamer? Introduce yourself to your dream and don't let it go until it becomes reality!