14 July 2009
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I'm not going to go into a lot of detail about the darkness that has surrounded us lately. You can read all about that here. What I want to do today is just glorify God for His faithfulness and mercy! Every time I think I have Him figured out, He goes above and beyond His call of duty to show me how big, wide and deep His love for me is!
The night has surrounded me, y'all! I promise, I feel like I made my bed in hell some days. I've gone through foreclosure, depression, serious post-partum medical complications, financial failure, seeing my son almost die for lack of oxygen, betrayal, you name it! But out of all those names, ONE NAME was able to keep my family and I from falling. The Super Heavyweight Champion of the World, the unstoppable, indescribable, FAITHFUL name of Jesus Christ. I can look up and know that in the darkest of night, the stars are always in place to reflect the light of the S-O-N!
I just wanted to take the time out, Lord, to give YOU glory in the space You gave me! Happy dances all around for YOU being the King of kings and Lord of Lords! I love You!
- Harriet 16 July, 2009 07:45
Thanks, KJ!
His call of duty is to take care of us...but inevitably, we are prone to not complete every part of "our part."
Low expectations is one thing, but His Word in 2 Timothy 2:12-13 is another:
"If we endure hardship, we will reign with Him. If we deny Him, He will deny us. If we are unfaithful, He remains faithful, for He cannot deny who He is."
The latter part about us not having faith, but Him remaining faithful is the direction I was headed in with that. That's just amazing to me!
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Great stuff!! Always great to give thanks!
What is His 'call of duty' though? Is it not to take care of us.. (when we do our part)..? I would think that it's more US with low expectations and LESS Him going above His call of duty. ... Or should I see it a different way?