“Any time you sincerely want to make a change, the first thing you must do is to raise your standards. The most important thing is changing what you demand of yourself. Write down all the things you will no longer accept in your life, all the things you will no longer tolerate, and all the things that you aspire to becoming.” ~ Anthony Robbins

"Manifesto: noun: A written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of its issuer." http://www.merriam-webster.com/

Hear ye, hear ye! The personality of Harriet R. Hairston will be making the following adjustments to bring forth the true beauty and brilliance it possesses! All changes are irrevocable and final, and are open to observation, but not to debate!

First, this personality will raise its standards and demands of itself:

  • It will no longer justify or excuse giving less than what it was created to. Anything less than 100% effort on any project, vision, valued relationship or assignment is unacceptable!

  • It will no longer write a vision without an action plan.

  • Every goal it sets for itself will be fulfilled by concrete and measured steps towards the end result.

Second, this personality will no longer accept the following in its life:

  • Drama! This personality has always been allergic to it, but will speak out all the more when others misinterpret her listening, compassionate ears for a garbage dump of gossip, assumptions, curses and lies.

  • Mistaking humility for low self-esteem. No longer will this large personality attempt to shrink in order to make others feel good about themselves. We were all created in the image of God, and my greatness does not detract from the greatness of others.

Third, this personality will no longer tolerate the following in its life:

  • Leaning on its own understanding without seeking the Lord and wise counsel for wisdom.

  • Making God a last resort after all other attempts and resources have been exhausted.

Finally, this personality aspires to become:

  • All God said she would be both internally and externally!

  • A woman after God's heart that seeks to please Him in all her ways!

  • A mother whose children will arise and call her blessed!

  • A wife whose husband's heart safely trusts in her!

  • A published author and editing/publishing business owner!

  • A woman with multiple streams of income who is debt free and uses her money for a mission and prosperity for a purpose bigger than her very personality!

Any resistance to this manifesto will be met with compassion and kindness, but also a quick cutting of ties to ensure forward movement and momentum is maintained. Thank you for your cooperation, understanding and love!